AWS provides a low-cost, scalable and highly reliable infrastructure platform in the cloud. These are the 7 benefits of choosing AWS for big and small users -
1. Flexibility
In Amazon EC2 you can scale up or down as required and have a fully self-service experience online. You can scale up to build a self-managing server based on your requirement.
2. Remote Access
AWS treat just like a remote server. Amazon EC2 instances created from most Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) enable you to connect from anywhere. AWS allow us to connect our internal network to AWS DC through a private VPN tunnel.
For e.g.: – Remote Desktop uses the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and enables you to connect to and use your instance in the same way you use a computer sitting in front of you.
3. Security
Cloud security at AWS has the highest priority. AWS puts strong shield in place to help protect customer privacy and all the data stored in highly secure data centers.
4. Disaster Recovery
AWS provides a set of cloud-based disaster recovery services that enable fast recovery of your data. Its supports many popular disaster recovery (DR) architectures from “pilot light” environments that may be suitable for small customer workload data center failures to “hot standby” environments that enable rapid failover at scale.
5. Capital-expenditure Free
AWS helps the start-ups to develop their high-end infrastructure with free Capital Expenditure.
6. Easy Deployment
AWS offers an easy solution for fast and secure hosting. AWS can accomplish any number of tasks possible at your fingertip. Its provide high end tools for this.
7. More Storage Capacity
In AWS, you can store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. Any developer can access the same data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of websites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers.
Refer: https://aws.amazon.com/